A funny thing happened on the way home
Laura and I got nearly lost coming home from Margaret's Luncheon. At least, it felt that way. She told me to turn here and there and as we went left on a Street called _________, I told her "that sounds familiar".She said "actually, there's a piece of TWF history on this road, it was up ahead here where I called you from my cell phone to suggest granting the Tombstone wish."
It wasn't until she started to point out the exact spot that it clicked. She was saying something about "right here" when I looked to my left and saw the Green Acres Nursing Home. The name of the street was familiar because it's the street where Margaret lives. Laura was driving by Margaret's Nursing Home (but remember, we didn't know who she was or have any idea where she lived) in November, and picked up her cell phone to call me EXACTLY in front of the nursing home.
When I told her this she started to scream "No way! Don't to this to me -- I'm agnostic!"
She had never even seen the nursing home, in all the many times she'd driven this road back and forth to her fiancee's apartment.
I smiled quietly and said "I'm not doing it..."