Jun 29, 2007

Are You Ageist? Take this Quiz

Ronni Bennett on As Time Goes By reveals that most of us are more ageist than we think:

She writes:
David notes that rather than be troubled if our test results are less than stellar, we should ask ourselves “what we are going to do to transcend the bias so that no negative actions flow from it…
“Getting older doesn't do it,” continues David.

“I've met countless people in their 70s, 80s and older who are ageist. The battles that take place in senior housing "facilities" waged by the relatively fit against those in wheelchairs and on walkers coming into the same dining room are the result of ageism - the relatively fit rejecting those who are visibly less fit because the former associate aging with infirmity. People who wage such battles have failed to fulfill Jung's First Task of Aging.

"Incidentally, scores of non-profit organizations wanting to do good works for seniors call the communities they build for them "facilities." Is that not an ageist term? No one calls housing for younger people ‘facilities.’”

So try the test (you must have Javascript enabled) and then come back here and tell us how you did.

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Jun 13, 2007

Gratitude and honor

Katherine McIntyre muses on Gratitude after encountering a 97 year old WWII Navajo Code Talker:

Many people stopped to speak with this former code talker, and I for one was thinking about him and his impact for quite a while after seeing him. We all like to think that our contributions to the world are having a positive impact, but it's not often you encounter people who played an integral part in something that had such a large impact on the course of history.


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