Twilight Wish Advocacy Roles
Sorry to say, we need funding and we were turned down for a grant from a local foundation because Twilight Wish did not demonstrate "systemwide corporate effectiveness" which according to their representative meant that we were NOT doing advocacy work and "granting wishes was a direct service" and they wouldn't fund direct services. WELL - that got me thinking about everything we are accomplishing and here are our new advocacy statements.Twilight Wish Foundation Advocacy Statements
Twilight Wish inspires hope among the “forgotten generation.” We engage all generations from children through baby boomers to help make the wishes of older generations come true. Firsthand experiences of wish granters during the process itself perpetuates our mission into the future. We do presentations and advocate for younger generations to recognize the importance of providing thanks, remembrance and caring towards older generations through providing special shining moments.
Twilight Wish uses its media power to build awareness and affect cultural change in the way the nation cares for its elder generations. Not only do we answer the basic needs and wishes for food, clothing and shelter…we also fulfill the higher level, spiritual wishes and in the words of a 79 year old, Libby Magness, who’s wish to be in a parade was granted on Thanksgiving Day of 2006, “you keep the candle lit.” As America becomes more aware of the need for total “mind, body, spirit” health, Twilight Wish’s mission will be recognized as important as basic needs fulfillment no matter what the wish entails.
Twilight Wish garners the political attention and builds awareness of elder issues to affect policy makers. Elders are requesting to have teeth pulled, dentures, hearing aids, visual magnifiers…and this leads us to question our systems and advocate for basic common rights recognizing quality of life issues. Twilight Wish teaches the nation we need to do a better job restoring respect and creating elder dignity by individual person centered care and addressing laws that affect this care and protect the individual rights of the indigent elderly.
Twilight Wish is a resource for management of eldercare facilities to promote change in the way they operate enhancing people centered behavior and actions resulting in increased respect and dignity.
Twilight Wish is a mechanism that empowers caregivers and eldercare facility employees and creates a cultural change when they witness firsthand the respect paid to residents.
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